Preliminary analysis
The books referenced by SWEBOK present generally accepted knowledge in the requirements engineering field. However, we feel that some issues remain:
- There isn’t always someone who can give us the requirements.
- Requirements elicitation takes a long time because the development team needs to learn the domain.
- Software has a certain shape that should affect how we express functional requirements.
- Guidance on specifying quality attribute requirements is thin.
- The Agile requirements process is misunderstood and weak.
Let’s explore these issues in more detail.
Unknowable requirements
The literature assumes that it’s clear what the system we’re about to build should do. This isn’t true until we achieve product/market fit, which means startups need a different process.
The Lean Startup movement assumes that until we achieve product/market fit, we can only find out what works by trying things out [Ries2011]. This would put requirements development in the Complex Cynefin domain, rather than in the Complicated realm of engineering.
The Build-Measure-Learn cycle in Lean Startup corresponds to the probe-sense-response approach suited for the Complex domain. This process moves the undertaking from Complex to Complicated. Once the company establishes product/market fit, its requirements process normalizes.
The issue of unknown requirements raises its head outside the startup scene as well. We can ask stakeholders what they need, but they’re always constrained by their current situation and thinking.
There may be requirements out there that, when realized, would significantly enhance the value the product delivers, but which nobody involved can conceive of. Remember the quote attributed to Henry Ford: “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.”
In this book, we’re trying to establish an engineering discipline for software development, so we’ll focus on the Complicated domain. We therefore won’t pursue the issue of unknowable requirements any further, trusting that Lean Startup solves that problem.
Learning the domain
Once a company achieves product/market fit, it should have a clear sense of what jobs the customer is hiring the software for [Christensen2016]. These jobs always occur within a larger process [Dumas2018] in a certain domain.
Most engineering disciplines specialize around such domains. Engineers trained in that field speak the same language as the people requesting them to build a system. In contrast, software developers need to learn the language of the domain.
The requirements elicitation practices assume an analyst interviews various subject-matter experts (SMEs) and then writes down requirements. Different representations of the requirements help SMEs to validate them.
In this approach, it’s the business analyst who integrates the perspectives from various stakeholders. Once a sufficiently clear picture is emerging from those conversations, maybe a workshop brings all the stakeholders together to validate there is a shared understanding.
This approach has some issues.
Subject-matter experts, by definition, are experts. They’ve accumulated a lot of knowledge over a long period of time. It’s hard for them to think back to when they didn’t have all that knowledge. This makes it hard for them to know what to explain or not, and even what to mention at all. And since the business analyst is new to the domain, they don’t know what questions to ask. The result is an iterative process of discovery that takes a lot of time.
Worse, it’s uncommon for SMEs to be experts in the entire domain. More often, multiple SMEs each have a clear picture of one part of the process and nobody of the whole. This results in conflicting points of view, which need resolution before building software. However, it takes a while before the analyst knows enough to ask the hard questions and bring conflicts into the open.
Event storming is a technique that solves these issues [Brandolini2013] [Webber2017]. It’s a workshop where the key stakeholders work together to build up a consistent picture of the entire process. It introduces just enough notation just in time for non-technical people to collaborate. It lets the stakeholders and development team build up a domain model in hours or days rather than weeks or months.
In event storming, the SMEs perform the integration of various perspectives rather than the analyst. By giving them a standard notation, non-experts can follow what they’re doing and force them to be precise. It allows them to ask the hard questions and bring conflicts out for resolution. Everybody’s learning compresses while the domain model emerges as a natural byproduct.
The event storming notation consists of the following items:
- A domain event is anything that happens that’s of interest to an SME.
- A command triggers an event.
- An aggregate accepts commands and emits events.
- A policy contains the decision on how to react to an event.
- A read model holds the information necessary to make a decision.
- A person is a human being responsible for a given decision.
- An external system is another system that interacts with the system under consideration.
In an event storming workshop, sticky notes of a particular color represent each of these concepts. Workshop participants place the stickies on a wall in timeline order to visualize the entire business process.
In the following, we’ll use custom symbols for these concepts, keeping the colors. This makes it easier to visualize processes.
A specific grammar governs event storming concepts [Brandolini2022], in the sense that certain things always come before or after others. It’s this grammar that allows people who aren’t domain experts to ask intelligent questions, like what emits this event?
The main part of the grammar is when a user of the system issues a command based on some information:
Some alternatives flows exist as well. An external system rather than a person may issue a command:
Events can also come from outside, either from an external system or from the passing of time:
With the big picture defined, we can flesh out the domain model further. The domain model is a concept from Domain-Driven Design (DDD) [Evans2014].
The interaction between team members changes as all members crunch the model together. The constant refinement of the domain model forces the developers to learn the important principles of the business they are assisting, rather than to produce functions mechanically. The domain experts often refine their own understanding by being forced to distill what they know to essentials, and they come to understand the conceptual rigor that software projects require.
— [Evans2014]
The domain model is a set of concepts shared by everyone on the project, with terms and relationships that reflect domain insight. These terms and relationships provide semantics for a language tailored to the domain while being precise enough for technical development.
This language is the ubiquitous language, because it’s used everywhere: requirements, tests, code, etc. Using the same language prevents many misunderstandings and bugs. The basic terms in the ubiquitous language are the domain objects: entities and value objects.
An entity is anything that has continuity and an identity, like a customer. When we need to bill the customer, we care whether we bill Alice Brooks or Charlie Davis. An entity may refer to or contain other entities.
A value object is a concept without an identity, like an email address. For value objects, we only care about their attributes. Two email addresses with the same local name and internet domain are always the same, while two customers named John Smith can be different. A value object may contain other value objects, like when an address contains a zip code. An entity may refer to value objects, like when an order line item contains a quantity.
An aggregate is a cluster of associated domain objects that we treat as a unit for data changes. For instance, we can create an order with line items, but we can’t create individual line items without an order. The root of an aggregate is an entity, like order in the example. The aggregate may contain other entities, like line items. Anything outside the aggregate may only refer to the root entity.
A repository is where an application stores aggregates and later retrieves them. Each aggregate type has its own repository.
The combination of event storming and DDD allows the development team to learn the domain faster and better than traditional techniques. The DDD concepts also map to code constructs in a natural way, eliminating translation issues.
DDD and event storming give us a new vocabulary to talk about what software does. We need to reconcile that with our vocabulary of what software is.
In event storming terms, aggregates make up an application’s state. An application transitions between states when an aggregate accepts a command. The output of an application is an emitted event.
Commands and events carry data. In DDD terms, that data takes the form of domain objects.
Putting all that together, we get the following model for a software application:
flowchart TB Policy --reacts to --> Event RM[Read model] RM --based on--> Repository Application --has--> Aggregate Aggregate --emits--> Event Policy --issues--> Command Aggregate --accepts--> Command Aggregate --defined by--> RE RE[Root entity] RE --is a--> Entity RE --stored in--> Repository Entity --is a--> DO DO[Domain object] VO --is a--> DO VO[Value object] DO --contains--> DO Entity --refers to --> VO Entity --bound\ninside--> Aggregate Command --contains--> DO Event --contains--> DO Application --has--> AP AP --is a--> Policy AP[Automatic\npolicy] AP --queries--> RM PMP --is a--> Policy PMP[Person-managed\npolicy] Person --executes--> PMP Person --initiates--> Command ES --issues--> Command ES[External\nsystem] ES --emits--> Event
Requirements for software
Another potential issue with the generally accepted requirements engineering knowledge, is the advice to state requirements in relation to a user’s needs only. The point here is to keep design out of requirements, and that’s sound advice.
However, this approach also keeps out the fact that the requirements are for software rather than for manual procedures or for some other medium. Software has a particular shape and that should affect how we define requirements.
Most people suggest to write requirements as use cases consisting of scenarios and to do so in text form. Use cases and their scenarios describe processes in which the software plays a role. Rather than text, it makes sense to model these processes using to-be process models. This corresponds to the abstraction phase of the engineering design process where the engineer uses models to formalize the problem and get to solutions.
Whatever notation you decide to use to model processes, you’ll run into the problem that SMEs aren’t well-versed in it. This makes it hard for them to check the model. Therefore, we need a notation that we can automatically transform back to text that the SMEs can verify.
We also need a notation that allows us to decompose processes into smaller pieces. Finally, we need a tackle requirements in small batches, rather than all at once. We need to be able to decompose some parts of a process, while keeping others at a high level.
The international standard for modeling processes is Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) [Dumas2018]. However, we’ll argue later that the model presented by event storming is actually easier to transform into a design.
Requirements should have acceptance criteria, predefined conditions that the product must meet to be acceptable in the operating environment. Without acceptance criteria, there is no way of knowing whether the product meets the requirement. The process model should guide us to the places where we need acceptance criteria, for instance where decisions get made.
At least some acceptance criteria take the form of acceptance tests. An acceptance test verifies whether the system meets a requirement. Some acceptance criteria can’t have acceptance tests, because they’re not about the system itself. For instance, stakeholders may require that the system comes with documentation.
Some acceptance tests run automatically as part of the product’s test suite; others are manual tests, like those in User Acceptance Testing (UAT).
[Adzic2009] argues that all acceptance tests, whether manual or automated, are best written using examples. Examples elaborate requirements and can become tests that verify the requirements. This template for specifying examples makes them easy to turn into tests:
Given <some initial state>
When <some input arrives>
Then <expect some new state and/or output>
This approach maps nicely to states and transitions of a Turing Machine or other automaton [Martin2008]. We therefore argue that at least all automated acceptance tests for functional requirements should take this form. For requirements around quality attributes other than functionality, this format may be too restrictive.
The Given/When/Then
form looks a lot like the template used by EARS [Mavin2022].
The Given
clause is a combination of the While
and When
clauses of EARS.
We prefer the Given/When/Then
format, because it has more traction in the field and because it maps so nicely to
state machines.
Many requirements need more than one example to fully specify them. In such cases, it makes sense to condense the examples using a table. Tables also make it easier to spot missing combinations.
Given the order total is <total>
When the order is confirmed
Then the discount to subtract from it is <discount>
| total | discount |
| $99.99 | $0.00 |
| $100.00 | $1.00 |
| $250.00 | $5.00 |
If we look at acceptance criteria through the lens of an event storming process model, we see two specializations of the
generic Given/When/Then
This first is for aggregates:
Given <the aggregate is in some state>
When <the aggregate accepts a command>
Then <the aggregate has a new state and/or emits an event>
The second is for policies:
Given <the policy's read model returns some information>
When <the policy reacts to an event>
Then <the policy issues a command>
Specifying quality attribute requirements
Quality attribute requirements are requirements that target a quality attribute other than functionality.
These requirements don’t deal so much with what happens, but more with how: how fast, how easy, how secure, etc.
That makes it less natural to express such requirements using the Given/When/Then
format that focuses on the what.
For instance, for the quality attribute performance, we may use the metrics of throughput and latency. Throughput is the number of requests per second the system processes, while latency is the number of seconds it takes to handle requests.
We usually don’t care much about the latency of a single request being over 3 seconds. If this happens only once over the lifetime of a system, then that’s annoying but usually not a big deal. (Unless we’re talking about a safety-critical system, of course.)
The same holds for other quality attribute requirements. Consider usability, for instance. We may require that 90% of the users can find the right next action within 5 seconds of the system presenting them some information. We don’t care that one person one day was sleep-deprived and slow.
What we care about instead, is that some metric is below its threshold on average (50th percentile, or p50). Or in 95% of cases (p95), or some other statistical relationship. Often we want several such relationships to hold at the same time, like p50 3s and p95 5s.
The statistical nature of such requirements means we can’t test them with a single test, like we can for functional requirements. It also often means we must run the tests in production to get meaningful results.
You may force acceptance tests for quality attribute requirements into the Given/When/Then
Given there are 100 concurrent users
When users search for some order
Then they receive search results within 3 seconds on average
However, this results in tests that are quite vague. What searches do the users perform? Are these searches finding the same orders? How many orders are there in the system? What’s the interval between searches?
We then risk such vagueness to spill over into the tests for functional requirements. That would be a shame.
A better format is the following:
- Objective: The quality attribute requirement under consideration. Define the quality attribute (performance, security, usability, etc).
- Scenario:
Describe conditions under which to test the quality attribute requirement.
This may involve setting up certain environmental conditions or specifying user interactions.
The scenario corresponds to the
part of theGiven/When/Then
format. - Criteria: Outline the metrics to collect. Specify their thresholds or acceptable ranges using percentiles.
- Procedure:
Provide step-by-step instructions for conducting the test.
This may involve specific actions, measurements, or observations.
The procedure corresponds to the
part ofGiven/When/Then
. Some people refer to this as the fitness function [Ford2017]. - Expected results:
State the expected outcomes based on the defined criteria.
Specify what success looks like and what would constitute a pass or fail for the acceptance test.
The results correspond to the
part ofGiven/When/Then
. - Constraints: Specify any limitations associated with the test, such as specific environments, user roles, or other contextual factors.
Requirements engineering in Agile methods
Agile processes remain misunderstood. For instance, [Wiegers2013] describes user stories as comparable to use cases. They’re not.
In Agile processes, a user story is “a promise for a conversation.” Agile processes are lean, and user stories are a good example of their Just-In-Time (JIT) nature. We don’t want to waste time elaborating on requirements until we’re ready to implement them. A user story is a scheduling tool. We put user stories on the backlog until it’s time to work on them.
To schedule work, we need to understand its costs and benefits, so that we can prioritize it against other work. The product owner and development team discuss the work in just enough detail to get both. Once the team is ready to work on the user story in an iteration, it completes the requirements engineering work and implements the requirements.
The confusion around user stories comes at least in part from its name, which isn’t accurate. A user story is neither a story nor necessarily about a user. We can see this when we consider the canonical form of a user story:
As a <stakeholder>,
I want <some functionality>
In order to <get a benefit>.
The stakeholder may be a user, or it may be a non-user stakeholder, like a compliance officer, business sponsor, or developer. Here’s an example of the latter that shows that user stories are about work rather than requirements:
As a developer,
I want to upgrade Java to 21
In order to improve the code using new language features
A user story’s one sentence isn’t a story, as [Sommerville2015] thinks. This misunderstanding probably reflect the authors’ lack of experience with Agile methods. Part of that lack of experience stems from resistance to try out Agile methods. This resistance, in turn, partly comes from a real or perceived lack of rigor.
Some of that criticism is fair.
Agile methods like eXtreme Programming [Beck2000] have a strong oral culture around requirements. This works fine when staff turnover is low, but breaks down when people leave and others join frequently. The product owner is an especially critical role in that sense. New joiners have to rely on the shared memory of the existing team to relearn the requirements.
This process is both slow and error-prone in the face of fading memories. Having acceptance tests helps, but they can’t capture all acceptance criteria. And when they can, they still don’t explain the rationale behind them.
You also can’t link to a conversation people had in the past, so requirements tracing becomes impossible in an oral culture. That in turn makes it harder than necessary to perform an impact analysis of proposed changes.
It doesn’t have to be this way, though.
We don’t have to throw out the JIT baby with the oral requirements bath water.
We can evolve the requirements documentation just like we evolve the code.
Valuing working software over comprehensive documentation [AgileManifesto] doesn’t mean we can’t or shouldn’t write
documentation at all.
Remember, there is value in the items on the right
(documentation) when written to serve a need rather than for its
own sake.