Software engineering


Software Engineering is the application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and maintenance of software; that is, the application of engineering to software.

— [ISO/IEC_2382:2015]

The term software engineering was first used in the title of a NATO conference in 1968:


The phrase ‘software engineering’ was deliberately chosen as being provocative, in implying the need for software manufacture to be based on the types of theoretical foundations and practical disciplines, that are traditional in the established branches of engineering.

— [Naur1969]

Since then, people have worked towards this goal to make software development an engineering discipline.


Some of that work has taken place at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). This professional association for electrical engineers and related disciplines discusses different knowledge areas in what they call societies.

The Computer Society (IEEE CS) “engages computer engineers, scientists, academia, and industry professionals from all areas of computing.” It also “sets the standard for the education and engagement that fuels continued global technological advancement.”

One of its publications is The Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge [SWEBOK].

The SWEBOK organizes material in knowledge areas (KAs):

  1. Software Requirements
  2. Software Architecture
  3. Software Design
  4. Software Construction
  5. Software Testing
  6. Software Engineering Operations
  7. Software Maintenance
  8. Software Configuration Management
  9. Software Engineering Management
  10. Software Engineering Process
  11. Software Engineering Models and Methods
  12. Software Quality
  13. Software Security
  14. Software Engineering Professional Practice
  15. Software Engineering Economics
  16. Computing Foundations
  17. Mathematical Foundations
  18. Engineering Foundations

Knowledge areas 16-18 provide the theoretical foundations. KA 10 describes the engineering process, while 1-9 cover the activities in that process. The other KAs deal with related topics.

Each knowledge area breaks down into topics and subtopics, summarizes the key concepts, and includes a reference list for detailed information.

IEEE CS stresses that SWEBOK is a guide to the body of knowledge for software engineering. The body of knowledge itself consists of the literature that SWEBOK references. Appendix C contains a list of 37 books that together cover all the KAs.

Is this actually engineering?

The SWEBOK uses the word “engineering” a lot, but is what it describes actually engineering? The year after SWEBOK V3 came out, Mary Shaw argued that what we’re doing in software development isn’t engineering [Shaw2015]. Alan Kay recently agreed [Kay2021]. This debate keeps flaring up from time to time [DeMarco2009], [Holub2023].

Some random data points further support this assessment:

  • The Standish Group publishes a recurring CHAOS Report. The 2020 version states that 19% of IT projects are utter failures, and 50% fail in at least one way [Standish2020].
  • The list of biggest data breaches ever shows that the top 10 all happened after publication of SWEBOK V3 [Statista2023].

These aren’t the results one would expect from engineering, so what’s going on? A complex question like that usually has more than one answer. Let’s look at some possibilities.


Organizations achieve immensely different outcomes, even in level playing fields. Some organizations outperform their competitors in every important dimension, all at once.

[Kim2023] claims to understand why. The authors say all organizations are sociotechnical systems, where different types of work happen in different layers:

  1. The technical objects people work on, like source code.
  2. The tools and instrumentation through which people work on layer 1 objects, like compilers.
  3. The social circuitry: processes, procedures, norms, and routines, like software development processes.

They argue that performance in layer 3 dominates performance as a whole. In other words, winning organizations wire their social circuitry better. For instance, Agile methods outperform Waterfall [AgileVsWaterfall2023].

[Kim2023] offers the following tools to improve layer 3:

  • Slowification to make it easier to solve problems.
  • Simplification to make the problems themselves easier to solve.
  • Amplification to make it obvious that there are problems that need solving.


Many software developers are unaware of the SWEBOK. I myself only found it when doing research for this book, and I’m an avid reader.

This problem goes beyond SWEBOK. For example, it’s been over 20 years since the [AgileManifesto], and there are still people doing waterfall because they don’t know any better.

Sometimes people do know better, but still stick to their old ways. This may be due to a lack of discipline, or it may result from poor management, as stated above. It’s also possible that they’re confused by too many options.

Too many options

The SWEBOK references more than one approach for most knowledge areas. Contrast this with Toyota. Its Toyota Production System (TPS) is an approach that combines all three tools for improving layer 3 [Kim2023].

Taiichi Ohno, TPS’s founder, says TPS is about reducing waste through just-in-time production and automation with a human touch [Ohno1988]. However, [Spear1999] shows that the real power of TPS stems from standardizing all work, while responding to problems by improving the standards. In other words, Toyota uses the scientific method, with the standards playing the role of scientific theory/hypotheses.

Is it possible to find one way to do software development that’s optimal in all situations? The answer is probably negative. [Spear1999] describes one Toyota plant with two divisions, where each division used a different approach. These approaches were the result of the divisions encountering different problems during their operation and solving them according to their unique situation.

And yet, there is an underlying way of working in those divisions. Companies following TPS have a common sense of what the ideal production system would be. Its output:

  • Is defect free (that it, it has the features and performance the customer expects);
  • Can be delivered one request at a time (a batch size of one);
  • Can be supplied on demand in the version requested;
  • Can be delivered immediately;
  • Can be produced without wasting any materials, labor, energy, or other resources (such as costs associated with inventory); and
  • Can be produced in a work environment that’s safe physically, emotionally, and professionally for every employee.

The Cynefin framework

Let’s look at this from the perspective of the Cynefin framework [Snowden2002] [Kurtz2003] [Snowden2007]. Here’s what its latest version looks like:

Cynefin framework

Software development isn’t in the Clear domain (formerly known as Simple and Obvious). Therefore, there are no best practices that everyone should follow no matter the situation. The question is whether software development falls in the Complicated or Complex domains.

Experts, such as engineers, rule the Complicated domain. The decision-making approach is to sense (get the facts), analyze, and respond. Here we use good, rather than best, practices, and can find multiple ways to success. This domain is the realm of the known unknowns, where at least one right answer exists.

In the Complex domain, there is no path to the one right answer. Here we’re in the realm of the unknown unknowns, where we can understand what happened only in retrospect. The best course of action is to probe (try something), sense (see patterns emerge), and respond. It must be safe to fail, or else people stop probing.

Consider a nuclear engineer designing a nuclear reactor. How often do they to have to adapt their design to the discovery of a new radioactive element or isotope? Never. If that did happen, they would throw away their design and start afresh.

Yet these types of requirement changes are what we see in software development all the time. This prompted the Agile movement to adopt a different way of working that embraces change [AgileManifesto].

That’s a sign that at least some parts of software development fall in the Complex domain. Signs aren’t proof, however. In fact, different aspects may be in different domains. This matters, because we should approach problems in the two domains differently.

Let’s look at the SWEBOK knowledge areas through that lens and see what we can learn.